Monday, February 25, 2013

For those who do not know...Facts about my Transgender Life Growing up:

I have always been a girl since I was so so young. I knew it, lived it and was friends with girls until around the 4th grade. I was forced to stay away from girls by my family and by the school one Monday. The Teachers told me I was no longer aloud to sit by, talk to or do anything with girls. That also happened at home as I was told that I would no longer be having Birthday parties with girls either. I was going to "find boys to be my friends". They bought me a ball and a glove and I was going to do boy things.

That began my 8 years of being beaten, teased and tortured by kids each and every day because they boys I was forced to be with knew I was a girl. The mental and the physical anguish was unbearable. My Brother did nothing and I was even humiliated by him. No one helped me saved me or did a thing. I guess it was thought that if I got beaten enough, that somehow I would fight back or become a boy. That never happened! I was beaten to a pulp.

Then the puberty years started. I began to grow breasts. Not just the buds. I began to have girl things happen to my body and it did not change like the other boys around me. That made gym class and the swimming we did there a total agony. We had to undress in front of each other and take showers too. Everyone saw everything on me that was like a girl! The teasing and the beating got worse. I no longer road the bus because it was not safe. The school and the driver did nothing. My parents did nothing as I came home crying everyday. I then began to walk to school 10 miles a day. Rain, cold, snow, heat; I walked.

When I go to school, the beatings continued. The same kids followed me my entire time from 4th grade till Graduation in 1984. So I had no release, no rest and the teasing and abuse was never ending. My grades were not good.

So I entered my adult years as a torn up and abused kid who now had to be an adult. I chose to hide the fact that I was a girl all because of the terrible treatment I got when I was little. No one could blame me. That is also why I began to hide in religion and in two wrecked marriages and all the other stuff.

I hope this little snippet helps to show you why I did what I did in my college years and in my young and older adult years. If you know these little details, you'll see that I had to do what I had to do just to survive. It hasn't been until I'm now 46 that I have the chance to bring closure to it all. To finally get to be me. So please don't judge me. Please do not criticize. I have been a girl since as long as I can remember. It's true and it has just about killed me to get to where I am today.

I don't have much money or even benefits really to cover all this transition. There is so much to wear and do and have done. But this I know. I am doing this transition no matter what. I am going to be Jennifer, the person I am, the woman I have always been. I will never quit, never stop and never give that up. Somehow I will make it, arrive at the place that I should be and I will be the girl that so many people never let me be. I will make this happen and I know God is blessing me.

Much love - Jenny

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Just got to Say it...Why be Nasty?

I have seen, as with so many groups of people, the sickening lows that some people go to be accepted, followed or just get a relationship.

Transgender Females hear me: Do not cheapen yourselves by talking smut, making sex pics, videos etc of yourself to somehow attract someone or who knows what. It cheapens you and makes you look frankly like a clown.

Transgender people are worthy of respect and dignity. That will not happen if you post (what you think), are sexy pictures of yourself on websites. You will be looked at like a carnival act or worse. It takes away the dignity that we should have and should be sure to preserve.

People already make fun of us as if we are cross dressers or perverts looking to fulfill a fetish. We are none of these things. We must not encourage Transgender females to pose and talk like they are two bit porn stars. This in no way helps our cause. It hinders it. It gives the right ammo and they use it to make us look as if we are crazy and a detriment to society. Also, the one who cannot control their words or images, makes transgender transition inappropriate for children.

Are you a Transgender woman? Then act like one. No porn pics, watch your nasty talk and posts and stop acting like a drunken sailor with a dress on. I'm mad at posts I've read lately and it's time to say something about it.

There is a real fetish where trolls follow us for indecent reasons. It is gross, demeaning and vulgar. If you want that to stop then "quit feeding the bears". When the food stops, so will the perverts stop harassing us.

Just my opinion, but I'm right!


Never Give Bullies the Upper hand 

If you are not careful, bullies can turn you into someone that you never want to be. Never sacrifice your inner person where gentleness and goodness lie. Refuse to let anyone punch it or drag it or name call it out of you to where you have to hit back. 

Be kind and sweet when possible. Love conquers all a friend told me and its his life mantra. Love is where victory lies. A bully is defenseless against love.

Jenny - Transgender Female Activist

It's OK to be Transgender!

Just yesterday two women, at separate times, came to me while I was eating my lunch in the break room.

Somehow the topic, by their doing, shifted to how they had two family members who were transgender. They shared all about it and how they had no issues at all with it. You could see that they knew from experience in their own family, that transgender really does exist and that it is not a choice you make. You're born that way.

They told me time after time that the genders of the people they spoke of were both genders in one body. Yes, physically both parts male and female. They shared about how it never mattered to them. They just accepted their family member and embraced whatever gender they knew they were. Just tells you how awesome these two ladies are to be so accepting.

I share this because I think there are people who think that I and others like me, just wear other gender clothes like some cross dresser. As if it was a compulsion or a psychological fetish. I think some really believe that transgender people are not biologically, or genetically or anatomically, what we are. What those ladies told me was terrific and it reassured me yet again, that I am normal. Society must start embracing this type of person and then allow them, us, to be the gender we know we are.

The two ladies know I'm trans. I guess it is very obvious or word gets around. My work is very ok with me and they encourage me. I never asked for it, I never brought up the topic at lunch. They told me things that only a transgender person would know. It confirmed to me all I knew and felt. It was great. I also got closer to two more people at work. God is so good to me.

Just passing along the good news! Its ok to be transgender.

Chill out...You have to when you're Transgender

If its one thing I've learned in being transgender it is this:
Don't be so uptight. Learn to laugh and be comfortable with your transition.

I think you will get what you put out there. If you are uptight and on edge, then people around you will be that way. You put out a vibe and people sense it. Learn to be at ease with transition. Chill out and laugh a little.

Let's face it, if you are a transgender person and you are making a move from one expression to another, you are going to have humorous moments. You just need to be at ease and laugh even. You're not always going to get it right. You may even do something crazy. If you can't take it in stride, then people around you won't.

You get back from others what you put out. If you're happy and at peace with whom you are becoming, then people are chill too. Haters will be haters, but it is much easier if people who accept you are comfortable. Try to be confident and plan ahead before you execute a move. Take your time and have a plan B is A fails.

I have learned to have fun with this. After all, it is supposed to be the most awesome time of my life. By the way, it still is!

Transgender Group on Google+

Check it out and join us!

Do you have a secret like being a female in a male's body? It may be that what you think is shameful or embarrassing is not at all.

I kept a secret of being Transgender for 45 years. It just about killed me. When I finally got the courage to share it, to live it, it really was not that big a deal after all. People supported me and encouraged me to be the girl that I know that I really am inside.

Be you Sweetie, be you.

Much love Jenny
Join Me Jenny on my Facebook Page - Friend me!

People mean well but...Only You Can Determine your Destiny

Others cannot determine your destiny for you. Whether it be religion or a activist cause or someone's opinion, you cannot allow others to control you. Manipulation is when someone else uses pressure, guilt or even happiness to control you. They want to get you to do things their way. So they scheme and even with good motives.

You be real, genuine, true to yourself and happy. You alone know what that may be.


Going from Male to Female...Why would you do this?

In a discussion with a friend of mine today, I stumbled upon an interesting reply to those who question why someone like me would go from male to female? Why not just leave what you were born with alone? Just be what you were born like.

Think of it this way and there is no difference at all between a Transgender person and the one I'm about to describe to you.

What if there was a man who was super over weight? They had been born heavy and it persisted throughout their life. It was a giant struggle just to live and look in the mirror and see what they did about their body each day. The weight stopped their ability to be mentally sound, happy or even enjoy the little things skinny people enjoy. What if their body was the only reason for their sadness, depression and rejection in society?

What if people called them names because of their over weight issue? What if they could not function unless it was corrected at the doctor's office? What if a surgery was the only fix to the problem?

I mean they were born fat, were fat as a infant, toddler and into pre school. The weight followed them and got worse in middle school and high school! It only got worse the longer the issue was left alone. Even though the doctor and the hospital could fix it all would it be wrong to get the surgery and finally be happy?!!

Would medicine be sinful, wrong or unnatural for helping a man get thinner and have a happy life? Would it be against God Himself to get joy and have peace when looking in the mirror? Really? Of course not!

There is no difference at all with a Trans Person who wants surgery or the doctor to help them be happy. The same reasons as the fat man. The same motivations as the overweight man. It is not sinful or against God in any way. Things happen to our body or need to be corrected. Let people correct that which can be fixed.

God did not make a mistake when he made a fat person with a thyroid problem. He did not make a mistake with a transgender person either. Incorrect things happen during development in the womb. It just does. People have the right to fix their issues.

Much Love - Jenny

My Facebook Page - Friend Me

People are Born in all forms, all shapes and all states...

To say that people are the result of man's sin at birth, or God did not make such a life, is to deny a newborn the decency of being accepted right from the womb. This kind of prejudicial condemnation is harmful to children and the condemnation turns into stigma and that into discrimination or self hate.

Can we not change the way we label people right from the womb. Even before they have a chance to be human for just a day, we label them as this or that. Not knowing who they are or what they will even become.

I am saddened by so many who do this type of thing. May the world change.

Just the way I see it being Transgender Female

Friend Me on Facebook

We want the Outside to Match the Inside...a Struggle

I struggle right now because I am still man looking on the outside. I am becoming more of what is on the inside each day but I have to let my inner woman rise. Dressing lik you are is great. No shame, but some, dress to somehow fool themselves or others that are female. Like a strange psychological game we trans people play. You cannot blame us. We desperately want the outside to match what is indeed inside. SO dressing helps. But the inside is what I am trying to master and allow to come out of me. I faked being a guy so long. I have to work hard to let Jenny out. All trans people do this. Remember that it was life and death sometimes to hide that we are trans. So being free and finally getting it all to the surface is very hard. It is scary, but it must be done.


A Truth...Mary Kay Can't Make you a Woman

Unless you see that being a girl is from within, you will try your best to convince the world that you really are female. Be the girl that is within and you will not to use clothes and makeup as the sole way to pass as a woman. 

Macy's and Mary Kay cannot make you a woman because you buy products and clothing from them. If you are not a woman from the innermost part of you, then dresses and heels only make you a cross dresser. You become a woman on the outside by first being one on the inside.

A woman cannot help but be a girl. She can wear boots and man clothes, but she is still a girl. Its because her reality is still evident. What is in her comes out to the surface in an outward explosion of beauty. She cannot stop it. It is not because she wore a dress or lipstick. She is, therefore she cannot be anything but that reality.

A transgender woman is a woman. You cannot create it or dress the part and convince yourself or another. Your inner woman must rise to the surface just like any girl. This is how you pass. When this occurs for real, then you may express even more of the inner woman with outward clothing and makeup.

Refuse to be a man in a dress. Reject this. Be a woman from the inside out. If you truly are a woman like so many transgender femaes certainly are, then you won't be able to help but be a girl.


My Facebook Page - Jennifercohenhappy
Found another Transgender Friend!

I have the awesome priviledge of locally in my town and close by me, knowing two Transgender friends. One is a Transgender FTM and the other is a MTF. So awesome. Thank you God. You two know who you are! Love ya.

You are seldom left alone on your journey. Solitude only lasts until you walk your path and one day you find another person walking too. Never let the alone times phase you. Know that one day you'll run into whom it is that you need to run into. Also know that it may be you that someone else needs on their journey. It isn't all about ourselves.

I have been so blessed by this coming out and being the real me. Being a she is who I really am. There are no words to describe the feeling of peace, calm and assurance.


My Facebook Page - Jennifercohenhappy

Saturday, February 23, 2013

If Your Boobs Could Talk...What would They tell You about Being a Real Woman?

So, you sit there on your couch and one day you hear a voice from below your neck and from two squishy objects that love Victoria Secret products! It's your boobs. Ok breasts don't talk and this in no way a weird porn blog, but what if your female parts you hold dear were to communicate? What would they tell the facts about what it is to be a real woman. Here's what boobs may tell you:

1) The real woman that you are comes from within you

It does not come from how big we are or how small we are. You are not a woman because you do or do not have us attached to your body. You are a woman because of what is on the inside of you. We help give you a shape, or a lack of one in some cases. We help your nourish your children. We give your loved one something to embrace. Never were we supposed to define you and who you are as a girl.

2) We do not define your beauty

Beauty is far below us and located in your heart. What lies there within you can be expressed in us and for the world to see in the clothes you wear, but we cannot produce beauty in and of ourselves.

3) Sexy garments to hold us and support us under your tops and blouses are utilitarian in nature

You are pretty and are attractive because of your spirit as a woman. Your inner beauty splashes in an explosion of expression that can flow through us and this is true in some girls.  If your inner woman is not allowed to flourish in you, we will be nothing more than appendages that prevent you from seeing your feet. You are sexy from the way you perceive yourself regardless of us. The thoughts and intents that only a true woman can have come not from breasts, but from deep within. You permit this intent to surface in your attitude and in your actions.

4) Your womanhood is not lost if we are taken from your body by illness or by a tragedy

If you are a breast cancer survivor or a transgender female, the absence of breasts is not an indication that you are no longer a girl or that you never were a girl in the first place. Again, the absence of us is not the defining moment for you as far as womanhood goes. You are a woman, because of your soul. Your mind and your spirit confirming your gender. Body parts are not what define you as a lady.

5) Be a Woman and Refuse to use Us as a Measurement of how female you are

You cannot help but be a woman when you are a woman. Be that person, express that beauty regardless of us and what size we are. You cannot help but be yourself. A lady will be one by virtue that she has been one from birth and by design. Whether you are in the correct body or not, a woman cannot be hidden. She will rise eventually if you allow her to. You are female not by what body parts you do or don't have. You are because you have always been within. Express that and live that regardless of what the mirror may tell you.

A silly way to convey truth from Jenny