Thursday, March 28, 2013

Love is What We Need

Love...It's What We Need 

Remember the Beatles song? Some think it's corny and idealistic to think that "love is all we need", but the truth is, love is indeed all that we need. To show it, to give it out, to see it, to receive it.

Love starts with your very first thought when you get out of bed and the last, when you lay your head down at night. Love begins with a hug or a smile and grows to so much more.

You plant seeds of love and you water that with care and affection. It grows into beauty and bears the fruit of repetition. Loves feeds an entire population and the taste is sweet.

Love is all we need. It begins with you and me. Loving in action and in deeds. It ends with another who's impacted and then does the same.

Much Love - Jenny Taylor

Fun being Transgender at Bestbuy...and some HRT Growth

Here I detail my journey on HRT and being transgender if you don't know me yet or have been living under a rock somewhere. Many Trans friends follow me and read everything I write. It helps people and also records my journey too.

With that:

1 Month and about a week into my HRT regimen. Breasts growing and today, they feel so tight in my bra. Wow, I mean really tight. This is great sign for any transgirl. The Progesterone and the increase in Estradiol to 2 mg, made the difference for me. More to come. This is very important as it defines my shape obviously in one area.

Hair is growing out like crazy. I am still not very happy with the way that it looks at times. I have to be patient. I style it and am learning new ways to blow and curl it. I have always been great at hair and styling, so I love this part.

Makeup is coming along quite well. Learning what is perfect for my face type and shape. Defining and contouring and hiding flaws. Less is always more. Working on eyes and trying to master that. I have makeup lessons a friend gave me and I'll be focusing on eyes and eye brows mostly.

Dissolving estrogen under my tongue. That bypasses the liver and helps. It's very strong though. Like getting hit in the face with a hammer for 20 minutes and then it is absorbed. No side effects though, just a headache now and then. Moods are great and consistent mostly.

Bestbuy Story:

I had a Lady at Bestbuy question my name and gender at the service desk (how could she?? I have no idea, I still look like a fem guy), anyway, She had my credit card in her hand and kept looking at the name on the card (Dave). She would look up and then back down for like 3 minutes. She then finally asked me, are you Dave???? I said yes in my girl voice (added effect), and she took my money to pay my bill. I guess someday, it may be a hassle, but yesterday, I had some fun and was flattered just a tiny bit.

Frankly, I think the Lady was delusional. LOL

I will keep anyone who cares posted.
Jenny Taylor

Food for thought...Love is so much More

If you have to speak to tell people you love them; if words are the only way you embrace and show compassion alone, I have a way for you to break that habit.

Treat everyone you meet as if they were a deaf person where words are ineffective! 

Force yourself to see that love can be spoken, but it is better shared via a smile, a hug and by the warmth of your soul. Words can never convey such things.

Jenny Taylor

Radical Preacher "Guy" No More! I "repented" and Finally became the Real Me - Transgender

I have changed quite a bit and I am very happy with the person that I am now. I have changed for the good and I love people instead of brow beat them. I have learned to accept all people and to show fairness and compassion.

Some don't like what I have become, but to be honest, I was always like this. God made me the person that I am. I however tried to hide that below a guise of religion. My thought was that surly God would accept me more as a preacher man than a trans woman. So I went overboard and tried to gain God's approval by being zealous. Wrong thing to do, but hey, I tried to survive back then. Try being a transgender woman and then blame me with evil. If you only knew how hard it is to be me.

Anyway, I repented of how I used religion for my own cover up and God forgave me. I then learned to be real, be genuine, be true to myself and then to be happy. It was God, I think, who showed me that principal. I took a rest from Facebook and got myself and who it was that I really am understood. I then chose to live that reality. God blessed me.

The rest I had documented when I came back to Facebook. I almost went back to the preachy stuff, but believe it or not, God, corrected me. He wanted me to be me and the girl that He made. My life had to be real and true to who I am. I have tried my best to be that real person ever since.

Just some background. I did not leave God, instead, I am now closer to Him than ever. I demonstrate the Lord is the way I smile, the way I try and love people. I preach not with words of religion, but words of heartfelt sincerity. As I humble myself and learn, I share. I live as a human and walk in grace. Knowing full well that I am not worthy to live this life that I have been given. I am thankful and I try my best to be meek. I am still learning.

Jenny Taylor - Formally Dave Taylor - Licensed Southern Baptist Minister

Adam and Eve Defined the Blueprint for Marriage? Really?

What Adam and Eve were not:

Bi Racial - So is it wrong for a mixed couple to be married? Of course not!

Multi-National - So is it wrong for people of two different countries to marry? Of course not!

Infertile- So is it wrong for a couple who can't get pregnant to marry? Of course not!

Elderly - So is it wrong for an older couple in their 60's or higher to be married? Of course not!

White - So is it wrong for black people, Asians, Hispanic, Eskimo, American-Indian and so many more people to be married? Of course not!

These and a hundred other things that Adam and Eve were Not at all and yet people use them as the de facto marriage model. Adam and Eve were people. Just two people. God never once told us to be just like them because we are not just like them.

Just because Adam and Eve were straight and had babies, does not mean that all people thereafter must be and do likewise. Having babies for one would rule out thousands of couples each year and that would be absurd.

The Bottom line is this: Two people loving each other and committing to one another will never and has never been forbidden. And, even if you have your opinion to state otherwise, ok. But why take away someone else's rights?

Just saying - Jenny Taylor

Yes, I'm Happy...

There is a lot to be said about being happy. I guess, after all the hell I went through as a kid and early adult, it's a fantastic feeling. Happiness is a result of being content and being yourself. Be true to who you are and then living that out.

People laugh at me and they stare at times. You look in the mirror and say even to yourself that you aren't what you want to be. Youhave bills and setbacks and disappointments, etc. Yet, despite all of the normal struggles, you find happiness there too.

Happiness remains when it turns into joy. When happiness is more than just a laugh and a smile it travels to the heart where it can flourish. The contentment and peace is so strong that the conversion to joy takes place. Then the smile becomes permanent and the laugh becomes a infectious.

So find happiness and maintain it with great family and people whom you love. Laugh at things and even at yourself sometimes. Never take you or others too seriously. Above all else, be the real you and resist the nay-sayers who find the bad in everything.

Jenny Taylor

Some additional thoughts from Jenny:

Think About it...

Happiness is not dependent upon the circumstances around you for happiness to occur. Happiness is a choice to be happy despite the circumstances that are around you. In spite of the circumstances, you find that you are indeed happy because you chose to be. The circumstances had no bearing at all.

Jenny Taylor

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Transgender Journey Part 4 - The Happy Times with My Grandma

Listen to my Life Story in audio form.

My Transgender Journey Part 3

Listen to my Journey as a Transgender Female.

My Transgender Journey Part 2 by Jenny Taylor

Listen to my journey as a Transgender female- Audio Story of my Real Life, How I suffered and was beaten and how I overcame it all.

Just click on the link and go to my account on Sound Cloud. Share it with your friends and on G+ and Facebook.

My Transgender Journey Part 1 by Jenny Taylor

Listen to my journey as a Transgender female- Audio Story of my Real Life, How I suffered and was beaten and how I overcame it all.

Just click on the link and go to my account on Sound Cloud. Share it with your friends and on G+ and Facebook.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I Chose to Ignore Hate...Because I am Transgender Female

I was eating at a restaurant the other day with my girlfriends from work. I never told them what happened to me when I went up to get my food. 

As I approached the main counter, a man crossed my path and said:

"Disgusting, it's just disgusting"

Looking at me and to me he was saying this terrible comment. 

I, chose to ignore it. Here is a lesson that really works. People who are bigots, aren't all that intelligent. So if you act like you never heard it at all and are seemingly oblivious to the comment, it looses its power. The words are still evil and wrong, but the person saying them, has no gratification in seeing your reaction.

Ok, before you credit me far too much, later, another man with his daughter were starring at me. The man pointed at me too and got his daughter to look at me. I was kind of tired after the first guy's comment. I finally had enough! When we all stood to leave, I said in a loud voice and across the room:

Look, you need to stop looking at me!

My eyes met his and he knew this girl meant business. He looked away. We left and I was proud of myself for One: Ignoring the first idiot and not telling my girlfriends about it. Two: Then standing up for my rights in a strong way and my girlfriends did see it.

Sometimes people think I am over reacting. One person I know never believes me when I say someone looked or said this or that. They just argue or blow it off as if I was making it up. That bothers me, but whatever. I know almost 99% of it is in fact true. Sometimes, I am wrong, but not most times. You have to live my life and then tell me I'm off. Any Trans person will tell you that you have no idea at how prejudice the world can be when you are kind of guy looking and in transition. People come right up to you or pass by and say things.

I guess discretion is the rule. Smiling is a great way to stop hate. Being kind is a awesome way to defang a hater. Sometimes, though if you cannot ignore an idiot, you have to stand up and tell them to stop.

Jenny - My two cents worth

Locker Room Hell...We Can Change Things

Many have no idea at just how bad a locker room can be for a transgender person. The removal of clothing and the showering aspect alone will terrorize most Trans kids just at the thought. Gym, however remains a requirement for graduation and Trans kids are forced into a world of hell by being forced to either reveal that they are not like the other kids or to use gender assigned rooms that are not their gender at all.

I can recall the years back in 5th grade at Branford Intermediate School where we had swimming as one of the required gym activities. I was around 11 I guess and I was not like the other boys at all! I was actually growing breasts and they were not just the typical buds that 40% of all boys get. My buds went further and grew to what were very noticeable under my shirts and certainly if I was bare chested. My body for some reason was going through puberty as a girl and that presented some issues in gym class.

As I was there in the locker room, and having to change for my mandatory swim class, I recall being so alarmed at the prospect of someone seeing very clearly, my female body development. I was to the point of panic and no one listened to my fears. Also, how could I tell people I was growing breasts like a girl! So I just did what any kid had to do. I took my shirt off! The boys tore me apart when they noticed my huge nipples and bulging breast tissue. I was made fun of and everyone came to the locker bay where I was to stare at the circus side show - Me. I remember wanting to die from that day on from all of the embarrassment.

Mysterious illnesses would come on gym day so I wouldn't have to change in front of the boys. I would not feel well or I'd be too sick to swim. I did this intentionally to avoid disrobing and it worked on occasion. The boys already knew however and it was too late for tricks and hiding! For years, even the girls would humiliate me about being like them. They would say "Taylor's a Girl" or "Taylor's a Fag". I so wanted to die because nobody stood up for me. School and the locker room were truly hell on earth.

This is why my parents took me to get Testosterone treatments. They meant well, they did. I guess it seemed right to try and stop my boobs from growing any bigger. But, the testosterone was not good. The affects were awful and I was a girl. Testosterone was the last thing I needed. My breasts stopped growing because of the male hormones forced into my veins, but the damage was done to my reputation already. If only someone would have listened to me as a kid when I knew I was a girl. Maybe they would have rescued me?

Today, we need to insure that laws are changed to stop this kind of thing from occurring again. It still happens every week in schools all over the country. Let's all join and make a difference. You need not have a transgender child to vote.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Food, Sex and Flavors...Oh My

Some things that happen when you're taking hormones are just plain fascinating. For instance, I have never been one for food. I mean I like food, need food to live. Food for me before hormones was pretty much utilitarian. You ate because if you didn't, you'd die. That was the way that it was before.

Today, and while I'm taking hormones, Food has become well, emotional, an explosion of senses and oh so yummy. Now, I want food, desire food and even dream about food! I have never had such vivid and full sensory experiences for doing something so basic like eating.

The other night for instance I went to a restaurant with a girlfriend of mine Debbie. I got a huge tray of food and one of my favorites, broccoli salad. That salad has the raisins and the onions and all that creamy goodness. OMG, it was like sex on a plate! (Remember Harry Met Sally?) I had to have more, wanted more and moaned for more! But it isn't only salad. that's so addictive I get this emotional reaction from most any food now, even butter! Oranges are more sweet, rice and beans are heavenly and who can forget chocolate!!!

One time, just the other day, I realized something that was a shocker to me. As a guy and in that former container, I used to base my hunger and my desire to eat all upon whether my stomach ached. If it grumbled, I ate food. If it twinged me, I got something in there. Again, it was all utilitarian. Now, my hunger is not tied to my stomach or even a necessity to eat at all! I have a craving, or I'm sad, or I am happy, or The Ellen Show did a spot on Ice Cream! The utilitarian function of food is no more! I eat because it's yummy! Wow.

I am told that this newly discovered love affair is normal. My girlfriends all seem to echo the same mantra "Welcome to the club. You're one of us now". I guess more and more, I'm entering womanhood on all levels via hormones and my transitional journey. I have to say that it is oh so sweet to become what I have always known that I am. To be a girl not just in my mind, soul and beliefs, but also now in my biology and in my body chemistry too.

With so many negative things that happen when your transgender, I thought that writing something like my experience with hormones and food would be at the least, humorous. It's also quite serious in that I have discovered so much about who I am as a woman. To not only know who I am inside and in my soul, but now to know her in my body as well is fantastic. I have new understanding and a brand new perspective.

There are so many things I have yet to go through and I will journal them all here. My transgender journey is so filled with transformation and discovery. It's really awesome to see how important hormones are to our make up.

Much Love <3  Jenny

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Definition...

"A Woman is not a warehouse full of parts of which you pick and choose. She is a complete work of art, she must be seen and admired as a totality. A composition of which cannot be separated into pieces according to one's own liking."

Jenny - Quoting Myself
Think About It...

If all a woman was defined by was her VJJ, and that part being the signifying proof of her womanhood, that sad ID alone just shows us all how demeaning society has become. Reducing the most wonderful and intelligent and all important female down to a body part is very sad indeed. As if that defined her or at the least her gender at all.

When will a woman be known rather, not for what parts are in her dress, but what lies in her spirit, her mind and her contributions to all of creation. When will a female be noted for her qualities alone and not her measurements?

Its no wonder that people trip over transgender women when they can't even be respectful and honoring to those women who are not transgender.

Jenny - Thinking
Food for Thought...Transgender Definitions

Science and Biology do not determine my gender...I do.

Jenny - Just Saying

Wonderful Transgender Reaction Today...

I told a sweet lady I work with to please call me by my name Jen and not Dave. She kindly said sure! Then I told her why being Transgender.

She replied:

I have never been this close to a Transgender person before!

LMAO -I get this type of response all the time, no joke. Like Unicorns...I always knew they existed but today I saw one! haha

God Makes no Mistakes so You Can't be a Female...

I have to address this as I have been this silly phrase over and over again. I agree, God makes no mistakes. Next, within that affirmation, I know that I purposely made a girl at birth. I was always a girl. I knew this fact just as you did when you were born and you knew what you were. Its really just that simple.

I am not confused. The ones who have the confusion are people who look at what is on the outside and not at the heart. They see an organ or body part/s and they assume that you are this or that. They tell you that you are male or female based on this.

Here are the facts. No one tells you what gender you are. I guess they affirm what society thinks based upon the outward, but no one knows for sure, but you alone. This is why it is ever so important to allow the child to tell you when they discover it. It is different for every child, but it always happens. They say and argue strongly that: I am a girl (or boy). They know. This is what should be affirmed and supported.

In closing, I am a female, not based on my parts, but based upon what I have always known; what God made. I am a girl not because I wear a dress or makeup, but because I know for a fact of who I am in my heart. God made no mistake when He made me a girl.

Jenny <3

Monday, March 11, 2013

Just Walk Away from being Transgender, It's not Natural...

You know who you are. No one needs to tell you, no one needs to explain it to you. You just know what gender you are. It is natural and you know what you know. Actually you know it to be so real that you'd even die defending and being you if someone said stop.

You can cover up being transgender, you can hide from who you know that you are inside, but eventually the urge of truth and reality will be so overpowering that you won't be able to stop it. You will be the real you eventually. Mask your voice and say you hate the color purple, tell people you are a guy when you're a girl (or vice versa).

You will never be able to run away from you.

You will be everywhere you hide. The real you will follow you and haunt you. The real you will long for you, speak sweetly to you and love you. You will never be able to escape the genuine you.

The real you, inside and no one see's, will one day jump you, tackle you and force you to face reality. You will never be strong enough to over power her. Even though you even pray to God and become the most religious person, God Himself will never stop the real you He made from eventually pounding you with truth.

So face it now and begin to love the gender you, the real you. Love her (him), and be open with yourself first. Know that before the world can see her (him), you have to beforehand. You must stop the cover up and the deception from yourself. You must grasp the truth that You are Transgender! Then and only then can you come out to anyone else.

You cannot stop what is natural and what God placed within you.

Jenny ♥

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Making Up for Lost Time...

Stop saying you've wasted your life. Start knowing that you had to live the way that you did to get you to the place you are now in your journey. Your past will mold and transform your destiny into today's awareness. You see now what you never could have seen then and its because of what you went through. Your eyes are now open.

Your life is not wasted, it's built one stone upon another. Your past raises you to heights that make you a better human being now. Even the dark and sad side of life before raises you at this moment if you allow it to. You learn from the old and it makes you stronger.

Use your past and your spent time to enrich the world here. Use it as a platform to propel you into a wonderful now.

Much Love ♥ Jenny

A Word Aptly Spoken...

Many sermons will be preached today. I find that to be a good thing. The content, I hope, could change frankly and if I were to be honest. I guess I can speak to this topic because I am a licensed Minister and have led congregations and preached well over 1000 times.

Let's get to some fundamentals of the faith. We believe in God, we know He has placed us on this earth together. We know that life was given to each participant and we must live that together as well. If all the goal was to live so that we die correctly, then why make life so long? Why make life a journey in the first place?

There is a reason for the journey and to the contrary of what will be preached in pulpits today, I have to say the journey in life is not so you'll be saved. The journey is for living now. Helping people now and caring for people now and experiencing all that God has placed us in everyday is now and not for later.

I always had asked myself a very basic question and sermons today will not dare ask this. People in the pews are asking it, but never a word is spoken of it.

Why do we have some hundred years or eighty or whatever, to live?

There is a reason for the time. No, it isn't so you'll come to Jesus. People come to Jesus at an early age. So, given the logic that the reason for time is to get saved, holds no water in that case. The kid should stop living because the purpose for time has been accomplished. But, the facts are that people still keep living! So the reason can't be to come to Jesus one day.

Look, I'm not slamming Christianity, but rather I am asking the question no one else will ask. Why do we have all this time in life to live? There has to be a reason.

I would love to hear a sermon where a preacher shares that life is a journey of some eighty years in duration. I would be thrilled to hear someone preach that in this journey we are to make the most of it. That God had blessed us with days and years and that we are to act out love in a tangible way. That we are to hug more, kiss more and to help the hungry more. I would yell with joy if a sermon were to empower people to do acts of kindness and that people would be motivated to accept diversity.

Isn't it time for us all who have so much time to live, to just live? To express and absorb our journey in such a way that we not only enjoy our lives, but also make others enjoy theirs. We have been placed here and given time to do something. Should it not be to make this place better? Should it not be to love beyond measure?

Maybe we have to live so long because it takes many of us so long to learn that a rose is worth smelling. Maybe we need the time to see that there are birds singing and sunsets that are beautiful. Maybe it's to discover that the birth of a child is glorious. I guess its to feel the warmth of another's embrace.

Whatever the purpose may be, I know that I am going to use the rest of my time wisely. I am going to preach so to speak a message of existence and what it means to really live. I will use my time to help you not waste your time.

Much love ♥ Jenny

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What not to tell your Transgender loved one or Friend...

I know you all may mean well, but never say something like this below, even if you sincerely mean well by it:

"I don't care if you are a guy or a girl. I don't see you as male or female. I love you anyway that you are. It makes no difference to me."

Without knowing it, if you say this to a Transgender person, you will cause resentment or rejection. Even though you meant well, you have told a trans person that you do not acknowledge their gender as this or that. You have straddled the fence and not supported nor acknowledged their inside self. You did not say: "I love you as my daughter". You did not say: "I love you as my son". By "son" and "daughter" I mean what they are on the inside not what you say they were at birth.

I know you think you're being accepting. You are trying not to judge, but you have taken no step to affirm the person's identity as female or male. All you did was really say "I don't care" and "I won't agree with you". Say what you like about your heart and your sincerity, I know what I am saying here.

Rather tell a Transgender person that you do accept their gender as (male or female as they express it). You do see them as a girl or a boy etc. Inforce and affirm the gender. Acknowledge the gender with words.

Change your use of pronouns! Say she and her if it is a MTF person. Use he or him if it is a FTM. It matters! You will grow so much closer to your friend if you do what i tell you.

Jenny ♥

Allowing Your Child to Express Themselves...

There are correct and incorrect ways to reply to your son or daughter if they like something that at first does not agree with what society deems as appropriate for their gender. Let me explain the proper response to have below. It will make sense when I am done. The way you handle a situation now may mean the difference between your child being happy or feeling shame!

Scenario 1:

Your SON walks up to a display and says: Mommy, I love that pink shirt. Its pretty. Can I have a pink shirt?

Incorrect response that brings shame: NO, that's for girls! or What! are you crazy. Only your Sister wears clothes like that. You want people to think you're weird or a girl!

Correct Response that Allows your Child to be himself:

Yes, that is a pretty color. You like pink don't you? Me too. Why do you like this shirt (Johnny)? Let's see if it's in your size. You still want one? I bet you'd look nice in that.

Scenario 2:

Your SON says he likes to wear clothes that are more like the ones in the "girl's" section than the "boy's" section.

Incorrect Response that brings shame: What! No Son of mine is going to look like a Queer or some girl! You know, you make me so embarrassed when you say stuff like that!

Correct Response that encourages:

What kind of clothes do you like over there? Tell Dad what you mean? Would it make you happy to wear just girl clothes or guy clothes too? Me and Mommy want you happy son. Help us understand and we can look over there if you like. There's nothing wrong with how you feel.

Scenario 3:

Your SON says he is a girl in a boy's body.

Incorrect Response that brings shame: God made you a boy. Its a sin to wear girls clothes if you're a boy. You need to pray that this feeling goes away and that God forgives you for that.What will Pastor think?

Correct Response:

God made us all unique (Billy). We love you if you're a girl or a boy and so does God. Tell us more about what you feel inside. What you feel like is important to us. Share more with us about how you know you're a girl and that you are not in the right body. It's ok, there's nothing you've done wrong.

There are numerous scenarios. The way you handle them, will make the difference for your child for the rest of their lives. Your beliefs and your values may not be your child's. Even at a young age. Love, support and accept diversity. Even if diversity is in your own household.

If you shame your kid and call them confused or wrong, then you will cause untold damage that could cause them to commit suicide or hate themselves. Just because you don't understand Transgender, doesn't mean its weird or wrong.

Jenny ♥

I think my child is gay or Transgender...

I get asked this question all the time: What do I do if I think my kid is gay or Transgender?

First you love them unconditionally. Acceptance is a way to love someone. Refuse to shame your child. Watch your words. You may exhibit hate and bigotry and not even know it! What you say from your mouth goes straight to your child's heart. Be careful. Never wound your child because you don't understand why they are gay or trans and not straight like you.

Second I would allow your son or daughter to tell you themselves and in their own way. Sexual identity and gender expression are not known much to children until they are a little more developed. Also, each kid is different, so if there is a golden age of 6, it may not be that for your kid. In time. a child will exhibit and vocalize their thoughts. Don't expect grown up words either. Remember kids don't know what homosexuality or transgender is yet. They just know who they are and in their own life experiences. They will communicate to you their life when they are ready. Sometimes, it is young, other times, it is in the early teen years. Just be open and accepting no matter what. Love always leaves an open door for sharing.

Never have a sit down discussion and confront your child as if there is a huge concern about their expression or behavior with gender or orientation. Remove the "crisis" and the "alarm" out of orientation and gender. Stop freaking out! If a kid is a girl and acts like one, you don't panic. Why panic if they are a boy body and a girl expression? So what if your daughter likes girls and asks one to the prom. Chill baby chill.

The less you make it a freak fest the better it will be for your child. Your child will tell you all about what they feel and what they express because you are open with diversity. You love unconditionally and thus, they share with you. You refuse to condemn. They feel safe and they talk with you. It's that simple.

Most of the problems come when parents are not loving, accepting of diversity or are judgmental. When you make fun or mock, your child will only go into the closet. Who do you want your kid to confess to? You or some stranger? You or Facebook? The way you love and embrace diversity will make all the difference.

Jenny ♥

Respect from the Mouth of a Child...

Today a friend told me of his Son who knew that It was my Birthday on the 12th. He told his Dad "On the card, we have to make sure to use her name: JEN". It so touched my heart that an 11 year old kid would, in a kid way, be sure that the Birthday card said Jen on it.

Shouldn't we all become like children? Learning to accept one another and to show respect for another's life. It really made me cry to think that a child would know that I am Transgender and then to make sure that my proper name was used.

Much love ♥ Jenny

Amazed at the Love....Being Transgender

At lunch, people were looking at my before and after picture from my beginning HRT and then 7 months ago. In the discussion, one of my wonderful friends said all on her own: "We all need to take up a collection and save our pennies to pay for her surgeries (SRS ad gender reassignment)". I think I have the phrase off a word or two, but the gist is there.

She was so sweet to offer to even collect a fund to do that for me! I would never want anyone to do that, nor would I ever ask, but to have someone just up and think that, is amazing to me. So sweet.

The love and the care was awesome. I have found that people, once they know for sure that you're happy, support you. They come along side of you. They express love in the kindest ways.

I would do the same thing for them if they were in my shoes. It is so good to surround yourself with good people. It makes transition so much easier.


This mantra I think was placed in my heart by God changed my Life...

"Be Real, Be Genuine, Be True to Self, Be Happy"

It can change your life as well.

Jenny ♥

A Thought on Forgiveness...

How could you be mad at a man for plowing over your rose bush when by doing so, he planted you a garden that feeds you and your family?

It only makes you look like a fool when you curse that same man at dinner time and when you are enjoying the vegetables that he planted for you.

Consider the outcome and the final result before you choose to sulk about a rose bush that is gone and never once fed your family.


It's OK to be Gay or Transgender as long as it ain't my kid...

What? How can you be ok with something that you would not let your own children be? You do not support LGBT people or allow them to have rights when your opinion is that it would be wrong for your kids if they are gay or trans.

Why lie? People refuse their children to be this or that or do this or that because they think that it would harm their kids to do it. They refuse their children to be LGBT because they think there is something sinful. It is less than honest to tell your work or people around you that you are ok with being gay or trans if you think its wrong for your kids.

The facts are these: You really are covering up your prejudice because you don't want to get fired. You lie about being supportive because you want people to think you're inclusive and diverse when you really are not that way.

Why would you say one thing and believe another? What you do is teach your kid that being gay is wrong. You make them hide and live a secret life because they don't want you to criticize them. If your kid is transgender, you teach them to fake being the wrong sex to please you. Its just plain wrong and I can attest to how bad it is first hand.

I was refused the right to be a girl. I was a girl and still am. I hid it and never told anyone. But here's the kicker. I never once changed. I was a girl and people's rejection never changed me. God never changed me either. He made me this way. The same holds true for your child. Allow them to be who they are.


Transgender: A Girl in a Boy's Body

Transgender: I was a little Girl in a Boy's Body

I've shared this before...Picture of me as a young girl (inside). Someone at work today saw this same picture and asked me if it was my little girl (daughter) in the photo. Awesome how at a young age, I looked like a girl in many little ways. Until the forced Testosterone shots at around 11, I was very feminine looking and acting. I never should have been given those shots at the doctor!

GI Joe or GI Jane...

I can recall when I was a kid how I loved dolls. Some of you just cringed at the word dolls! Ok, for the weak, let me sanitize that "D" word to action figures. LOL Anyway, I used to love to do the doll thing. But because it is "Wrong" for a boy to play with dolls, I was given the option let's say of having a GI Joe instead.

A doll was a doll to me, so I made GI Joe, GI Jane! My GI Joe/Jane had all the latest accessories: Shoes, clothes etc. I made a box to keep all his (her), accessories in. My GI Joe was not into war and killing -NO. He/she was into doing what the Barbies did. I would make a house and my doll would live in it. All the other boys never really did get into dolls. I always wondered why not? They were missing out.

I guess I have always made the best out of the worst. I always learned how to survive. I was me the whole time. I adapted. Now don't get me wrong, it was hell! But, I was Jenny inside. I never let anyone put my light out. I kept the flame burning so that today, I could finally be the real me. Jenny on the inside as well as the outside!

Much love ♥ Jen

Transgender Reality...

If you force your child to be something that they are not, they will despise you and do anyway the things you forbade them behind your back. Also your refusal, won't make them change. If they are gay or a transgender person, they will be when they are adults.

Prevent emotional trauma to your child. Stop the shame YOU cause them for being who they are. Your values never trump what a person really is.


Facing the Hard Times...

Life is not easy. Enough said, but facing that fact with your life and emotions is not so cut and dry. When the challenges come, you can get so distracted. You concentrate on the immediate and you forget the life goals and people around you. I get that way, do you?

The saying "You can't see the forest for the trees" is so true. We lose sight of the big picture when we fixate on a problem alone. We forget responsibilities when we lock in on the hardship only.

I am trying to change that. I have ADD and it is hard to concentrate on many things anyway. But we can eliminate overlooking things and people that matter by keeping a focus on what really matters.

Problems come and they also go. Many times all our attention on one thing was really not warranted. We didn't need to fixate at all because the problem worked itself out.

Just a thought and what I'm working on in my life.


What Hormones can do after 3 weeks...

Before and after Picture (Very Beginning)

July/August 2012 on Left and March 2013 on the Right

Hormones have made cosmetic changes so far on my face and skin. My face is more feminized and other changes are happening too. It is amazing at how powerful hormones can be. Until you do a side by side photo, you would think that there wasn't much going on. More to come as the weeks pass.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Love is Unending and You have Plenty to give...

I just sat with a lady I know who is really struggling with self image and about loving herself. I just made her a cup of hot tea and loved on her as a Momma. When you're sad, you need someone to give a damn. Someone to love and be kind. A listening ear.

She said to me: Why do you care so much about me Jen? I just reached out my hand to her. She grasped mine and it was so powerful! I told her to feel the love from my hand and let that go to her heart. The tea could never warm her heart like another loving person could.

Dare to stretch out you hand and love. Give a damn and love someone who thinks that they are not lovable. You have plenty of love to love the entire world if it needed it (it does). Be a Momma to someone who needs a Momma right now.

It matters,

Hiding and Lying - There's a Better way when you're Transgender

For many of us, it is a struggle to live and be honest with whom we are each time we look in the mirror. It is much harder to be rel with the community around us. If it's work, or school, your family or friends, being a woman in a man's body is not easy.

But many Tgirls have to hide to protect themselves. It's simply not safe to go full-time. You can loose your job, your marriage or even be beaten and killed in some places. You have to take each situation and location into full account before you judge someone for coming out of not.

But let's say you have an ideal situation as I do here in South Florida. You can come out safely and you can be a transgender woman safely. There is a point where we want to hide or better said, protect ourselves, and  a point where it is a lie. Knowing this point is critical! What I mean is this: Are you a lier to those around you because you can't face the fact that you are a Girl in a Man's Body? Have you lied to yourself? Pretending and denying the facts that you will never be a guy.

When we cross the line from protecting and coping to lying and faking who we really are, we harm ourselves. We head to a slow death where destruction, self hatred and suicide are real endings. I recommend to you, as a Transgender female who has done this herself, to come out and be open to yourself first! Then be real and genuine with those you trust around you next. Then proceed to family and coworkers as you see fit.

When we lie to ourselves and those who love us, eventually the truth comes out. It always does and someday and somehow, the truth about you being transgender will surface. It is far better to be in control of how you are "outted" by you being the revealer, than to have someone else "out you". You have no control when others declare that you're a woman in a man's body. They have the wheel at that point. Lies get you in the place where others can hurt you. Then you look bad as you have been a deceiver.

Take control of your life and make a planned goal where you get real with yourself and then a slow introduction to others about your being trans. Stop lies and be truthful. Most times, you will be pleasantly surprised at how people will accept you and how they want you to be happy. Only you can decide what is safe and wise. Take my advice, but you and only you know what is smart and will not harm you. I do not.


Happiness is everything! 

Trust me, no matter your orientation, if you're not happy, then you will die a slow death. Day by day, you'll die on the alter of denial. Your dreams disappear and you loose yourself in the long run.

Make a promise to yourself and be the real you. Happiness shows. You won't be able to fool people for very long. You will never fool yourself either!

Twitter: LGBTDave

How to Use your Pictures to show changes to your Body During HRT

I was looking at one of my pictures from just 4 months ago. I hadn't seen it in a long time so my seeing it today would give me a fresh look at my face and how it has changed recently. By the way, that's a good way to gauge your progress in HRT. You look at photos from the past and then you compare those older ones to the ones you have now. Many times you'll see subtle changes to your face and body that way. You may also see dramatic changes like I saw. My old pic was so different from my new ones!

 A comparison of Me 4 months ago and then now 2 weeks on HRT and T-Blockers. Slowly and Subtlety, the changes to my face are happening one small step at a time. 

The mirror is not a good way to determine change until you have major changes to breasts or to your his etc.  Even then, those changes when their subtle are not distinguishable. Photos if taken in the same place and light each time can really show a comparison you can use to measure your HRT progress with.

I recommend taking pics using your cell phone each week. Take several shots from multiple angles. Face front and even a profile. Then use and art program to set one photo next to another. Week 1 on the left and Week 2 on the right. Save it as one photo. By doing this you'll have a visual record of your journey on hormones. This simple process, encourages you. Transgender people need all the encouragement that we can get right? So use this picture taking method to build you up and push you forward.

Hope this helps! Good luck in your HRT journey girls!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Human Rights Campaign South Florida

The organization that I am part of here is South Florida. Come and volunteer with me! LGBT equality, it matters.