Food, Sex and Flavors...Oh My
Some things that happen when you're taking hormones are just plain fascinating. For instance, I have never been one for food. I mean I like food, need food to live. Food for me before hormones was pretty much utilitarian. You ate because if you didn't, you'd die. That was the way that it was before.
Today, and while I'm taking hormones, Food has become well, emotional, an explosion of senses and oh so yummy. Now, I want food, desire food and even dream about food! I have never had such vivid and full sensory experiences for doing something so basic like eating.
The other night for instance I went to a restaurant with a girlfriend of mine Debbie. I got a huge tray of food and one of my favorites, broccoli salad. That salad has the raisins and the onions and all that creamy goodness. OMG, it was like sex on a plate! (Remember Harry Met Sally?) I had to have more, wanted more and moaned for more! But it isn't only salad. that's so addictive I get this emotional reaction from most any food now, even butter! Oranges are more sweet, rice and beans are heavenly and who can forget chocolate!!!
One time, just the other day, I realized something that was a shocker to me. As a guy and in that former container, I used to base my hunger and my desire to eat all upon whether my stomach ached. If it grumbled, I ate food. If it twinged me, I got something in there. Again, it was all utilitarian. Now, my hunger is not tied to my stomach or even a necessity to eat at all! I have a craving, or I'm sad, or I am happy, or The Ellen Show did a spot on Ice Cream! The utilitarian function of food is no more! I eat because it's yummy! Wow.
I am told that this newly discovered love affair is normal. My girlfriends all seem to echo the same mantra "Welcome to the club. You're one of us now". I guess more and more, I'm entering womanhood on all levels via hormones and my transitional journey. I have to say that it is oh so sweet to become what I have always known that I am. To be a girl not just in my mind, soul and beliefs, but also now in my biology and in my body chemistry too.
With so many negative things that happen when your transgender, I thought that writing something like my experience with hormones and food would be at the least, humorous. It's also quite serious in that I have discovered so much about who I am as a woman. To not only know who I am inside and in my soul, but now to know her in my body as well is fantastic. I have new understanding and a brand new perspective.
There are so many things I have yet to go through and I will journal them all here. My transgender journey is so filled with transformation and discovery. It's really awesome to see how important hormones are to our make up.
Much Love <3 Jenny