Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's OK to be Gay or Transgender as long as it ain't my kid...

What? How can you be ok with something that you would not let your own children be? You do not support LGBT people or allow them to have rights when your opinion is that it would be wrong for your kids if they are gay or trans.

Why lie? People refuse their children to be this or that or do this or that because they think that it would harm their kids to do it. They refuse their children to be LGBT because they think there is something sinful. It is less than honest to tell your work or people around you that you are ok with being gay or trans if you think its wrong for your kids.

The facts are these: You really are covering up your prejudice because you don't want to get fired. You lie about being supportive because you want people to think you're inclusive and diverse when you really are not that way.

Why would you say one thing and believe another? What you do is teach your kid that being gay is wrong. You make them hide and live a secret life because they don't want you to criticize them. If your kid is transgender, you teach them to fake being the wrong sex to please you. Its just plain wrong and I can attest to how bad it is first hand.

I was refused the right to be a girl. I was a girl and still am. I hid it and never told anyone. But here's the kicker. I never once changed. I was a girl and people's rejection never changed me. God never changed me either. He made me this way. The same holds true for your child. Allow them to be who they are.


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