Friday, September 20, 2013

Confidence can be yours...

One thing that I have discovered as a transgender woman is that my confidence has soared and I am dreaming as well as doing like never before. I guess this magic moment of accomplishment is the result of finally becoming the person I've always wanted to be.

I was denied my womanhood - my truest person stolen from my life. I had to be someone I was not and this hiding, made me less-than productive. I was denying myself the reality that was beneath my Oscar winning fakery of being a man. My grow and potential as a woman - gone.

Then in January of 2013, I decided to be real. I made the choice to stop "robbing my own safe". I became who I knew was sleeping for 47 years - Jenny. I allowed her the life she deserved. I gave her the existence God granted her at birth. As a result, creativity and positive assurance grew like a field of wildflowers in Spring.

These days I find myself shaking my head and even laughing at myself a bit in my own amazement. I have dreamed things - done things lately, that I have never thought I could before. I am designing again and creating again. My artistic side is flourishing. There is nothing I can't do. I'm wearing bold and beautiful clothes and going to events for women. I'm traveling to DC and New York and I am even working with Lani Woo to produce a show - a very bold move for a transgender person.

So transgender friends and anyone reading my posts everyday I want to tell you something. Be the real person inside of you. Allow the real you to blossom and become magnificent. Never permit the negative and the dysphoria of life to tell you that your trapped. Dare to dream and dare to accomplish - be genuine. Allow the life you were given to live and see that wonderful can be yours!

Much love - Jenny Taylor

Friday, September 13, 2013

Connect with Jennifer Taylor on all of her social media platforms and accounts:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You are the Captain of Your Destiny as a Transgender Person

Watch the video below by Jenny Taylor and see that you can be in control of your transformation.

If you allow others to dictate your future, then your transition will be limited. To get the most out of your journey, you alone must decide what is best for you and your path to walk. Others mean well, but unless they are trans like you, they cannot guide you well. Even a loving family member cannot make the right choices for you and your transformation.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Transgender and I want a Baby - A Built-In Desire

As a woman, the one thing that bothers me most to be honest is the fact that I cannot be pregnant. I'm too old now anyway. But there is a huge longing, and has always been since I was a little girl, that I wanted to feel that life developing within me. 

I wanted to be like Eve in-part, as a mother of the living. It is so deep and part of, this feeling, that I cannot explain it. I would weep and still do when I see a pregnant Mom. I so long for this - its a natural thing for a woman to want children and to nurse and to care for a little one that enters the world from your body.

To have the expression of love growing inside of me is a feeling sadly that I will never know. I do still long for this. It is not a fascination, it's innate within me from God.

I have 4 children, not from my womb, but still my Babies. I love them as a Mom and I love that feeling. I have always loved them that way. I am thankful that I do have that pleasure and motherly longing fulfilled.

Much love - Jenny Taylor

Monday, September 9, 2013

Keeping it real...Transgender and Happy and Honest

You all know that I am genuinely happy - very happy. Then there comes a day when all the haters come out. Like hunting season or something. I just fell down on my face and wept earlier. I had to weep before God. 

I knew He cared and listened to me as His Daughter. I have always been His little girl and He was there for me today. I have no job at the moment, I got hate mail and rejection emails and I just had to cry. It helps - a vent of sorts.

God always has a heart for His daughters when they weep before Him. Look at Hannah, Mary M and the other Mary. Look at Esther. They wept before the Lord and then help arrived. Look at the widow who had nothing and God sent a prophet to care for her and her son. I know I will have my help as well.

God made me as a woman. I really do not care if religious freaks do not think so. I know who I am. I know what gender I am. My Maker does as well.

Jenny Taylor

Monday, September 2, 2013

Jennifer Cohen-Taylor a woman who refuses to conform to what society dictates as feminine and beautiful.

Be the woman you decide to be! Never allow anyone to decide for you what being a female is. Resist society that demands you be this or that. You and you alone should determine your transition. You know how far you can go in transforming your life and body. You and only you, can know what little or how much you can accomplish.

Jenny Taylor

Living life without regrets...Always moving forward

Sometimes you go through things for a reason - a purpose. You do things and meet people and go places, because you needed to. You learn, you grow and you gain and you give. It's all part of life and living.

I have finally seen that life is made to explore and it's an adventure of sorts. Each experience you have whether good or bad, is meant to make life richer or make one wiser. It prepares us for what lies ahead and may keep us from repeating what was.

I never regret what was. I have become thankful. Appreciative that I had met a person or done an event or was able to be this or that for someone. I refuse to look back and see only the rough spots - grabbing onto the gold instead.

When you live your life without regrets, you can always move forward. Regretting someone or something or a time in your life keeps you looking back. You never face forward because all you do is see the rough and the bad behind you. I want a forward momentum at all times. I want a place where I can grow and advance myself.

Live your life and never curse where you've come from. The past is what can propel you into what lies ahead and it can prepare you for the things before you - challenges you never had any idea you'd face.

Jenny Taylor

Friday, August 30, 2013

Life is Hell - Making the Choice to be Happy is Bliss

For those who think that being #Transgender means you can't have a normal life...

You not only can have a completely normal life, but you can even have a better than normal life! Transition is fantastic. You move and progress and grow from one point to another. You make advancements not only in your body but in your thinking and in your relationships too.

I am sorry but I don't buy the crap that says that transitioning is filled with disappointment and sadness and negative things. Maybe its because I am seriously positive. Maybe its because I choose not to focus on what is rough during transition. I refuse to let any negativity get me down.

Look transition is very tough. I'm not a fool or have it easier than anyone else. Yes I'm in a friendly city for LGBT people. Yet, even if I was not, I would still make it a choice of mine to be me, fight the haters with determination and be happy. Its a decision that I make and it has made all the difference!

I think some people think I'm naive. Oh Jenny has only been transitioning for 6 months, poor dear doesn't know anything. Well, let me tell you that the first 6 months are the worst typically! Yet, in my heartache and in my struggles, I have fought and won. I will not let anything bring me down.

I have a normal and very happy life. I have a wonderful man in my life and I am traveling to all kinds of places and serving as an activist in many LGBT causes. I have been able to do this by keeping my spirit in a positive space. I do what I preach and I love myself and others.

Only good lies before me.

Jenny Taylor

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Transgender Social Revolution - Dual Spirit People Arise

It is my personal thought, and someone remind me that I predicted this...

We are about to undergo a #transgender social revolution. 

A nation, so to speak of beautiful people, will rise and the stigma of being different will be lifted.

We will have a place as a people group, not because we don't fit in, but because we are respected and finally integrated into society as wonderful.

Mark my words, I think it will happen. I dare to dream and dare to work hard to achieve it.

Jennifer Taylor - Transgender Activist
Joint Statement on Winning #Transgender Protections in #Miami-Dade

Today marks a new beginning in the effort to pass gender identity or expression protections in Miami-Dade County. A growing coalition of organizations, businesses and community leaders today deepen our resolve to see Miami-Dade live up to its reputation as a diverse and inclusive community by ensuring our human rights ordinance is amended to ban discrimination against the transgender community.

The hateful rhetoric our opponents have broadcast in recent weeks has only made more clear the absolute necessity of protecting transgender people from discrimination and violence. By demonizing transgender people with their campaign of misinformation, they have made our community less safe and less kind, but we will not let their lies stand.

One of Miami-Dade’s greatest strengths is our diversity, and we know that an overwhelming majority of residents share our belief that all people, including the transgender community, must enjoy the same freedom from discrimination.

We support the strategic decision to postpone a vote on the inclusion of gender identity or expression in order to further educate the community and our elected officials about the need for these vital protections. The day is coming when Miami-Dade will join cities and counties throughout Florida and across the nation that have added these protections. We stand united in our commitment to invest the time and resources required to win.

We would like to thank Commissioners Audrey Edmonson, Bruno Barriero, Sally Heyman and Barbara Jordan for their leadership and continued support.

And we invite everyone who values fairness and equality to stand with us today. We need you. We have faced bigoted attacks in the past, and we know that by standing together we will win.

They may slow us down, but they will never turn us back. And we will never stop fighting until every member of our community is fully protected.

In Solidarity,

Sex and being Transgender:

Watch this video and see that you can have the intimacy you need and want to give to someone else. You can have a completely normal sex life and be transgender!

Jennifer Taylor - Transgender Female Activist

Jennifer Cohen Taylor at 6 months HRT

Being transgender has taught me...

People are who they are regardless of their exterior shell. True-self lies within the soul -the psyche.

Places that the eye may not see will define who someone is. The visual, may not be able to adequately divulge or testify to what reality lies within. So refuse to let sight be your perception.

The depths of the human spirit and its identity are far deeper than even what the ear can hear about another. To discover an inner reality of another use your heart.

Being transgender has made me grasp the saying "having eyes, you don't see and having ears, you don't hear".

I'm trying my best to explore people using far more than the physical appearance. That kind of discovery takes much more time, but in the end, shows a person true respect.

Jenny Taylor

It is far more than what sex you are. It's not what restroom to use or a rule for marriage or intercourse. It does not dictate what aisle I shop in.

Gender is only a portion of an inner-self definition. It's a display of a vast expression of soul and psyche. It is a part of a total self-awareness and social identification. Gender is a spiritual truth enticing one to see me for who I am and then begs one to search deeper.

Gender is a thread of millions of strands that comprises the human existence and varies in color from one individual to the next. It must be sought and explored not only by each person, but by society as a whole. Treating each person as a unique being with a unique identity.

Gender, like a snow flake, has no copy. Each and every expression is different and beautiful.

Jenny Taylor
#Gender is the personification of your inner-person. A manifestation of whom you are and what it is that you desire to become. It stands regardless of who believes it or rejects it. It functions in the greater plan of things.

It is never a part or a lack of one. It is dualistic in nature and singular in its reality. It either produces life -rich and expressive or death - depressive and dysphoric. It gives us all the choice of acceptance or denial.

Jenny Taylor

Monday, May 27, 2013

All People saw was a woman

I took a walk at the beach today...All people saw was a woman

No one looked at me today like I was a fool, no one took a double take and no one thought anything to be strange at Pompano Beach. I no longer thought that a laugh I heard somewhere was about me; because it wasn't about me at all. Nor did I see anyone starring or gawking because no one was. I am a woman and no one knew anything but that truth.

I have come to discover that God was using a divine paint brush on my stroll and all that people saw was a work of art. Like a tapestry of heavenly female-beauty, I have been woven into what my insides have known all along - I am a lady. Other beach-goers knew I was, but more importantly - I knew.

Jennifer Cohen-Taylor

I also came to the conclusion that the earth is a much prettier place every time a transgender woman is discovered. When she/I begins to blossom, a field of colors erupts and the world glances on - they lose their breath. As a past and former conceived notion now becomes real and factual on the outside. Internal beauty now manifests itself on my life - a former wanderer. Beauty and dignity joined and visible - it is a beautiful thing. People who once made fun, now applaud the happiness of the transformed me.

I understood the power of pretty and the contagion of confidence. I saw and felt how one, who was a former dysphoric, was now a present-day wonder. I grasped how finally I was becoming more real by the hour. My body conforming amazingly as estrogen sends it message.

I am indeed a woman - female with far more than the absence or the presence of a genital sign. I am a lady -beautifully crafted by divine artistry. With every day I see the display of happiness from the inside out.  Awesomeness rising to the top from an inner truth; my heart and soul.

Today my walk on that beach made me more joyous than I had previously been. Dysphoric transformations -whole and complete. Pretty personified - grace and elegance. What will tomorrow hold as my body conforms? No one knows. But one thing is indeed certain - I will be more pleased and more happy than I was the day before. My walks on the beach will be even more glorious as no one sees anything but a beautiful woman walking.

Much Love -Jenny Taylor

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Transgender Woman Says Goodbye to Dave and Hello to Her New Life

A Transgender Woman Says Goodbye to Dave and Hello to Her New Life

An Explanation...of a man who was and a woman who now is because of him.

Dave is who I used to be. Many loved him and so did I. He was my knight in shining armor. He kept Jenny hidden and safe from people who hated or would harm a transgender person. He was strong and tough. He could laugh and sing and make people laugh. Women fell in love with him and so did I. 

But one day Dave's job at protecting me, Jenny, was over. He watched over me for 44 years. It was time to say goodbye to Dave and Hello to Jennifer. One night Dave went to the beach at night. He had just ended a 1 year and a half relationship with the woman he loved. He wept on that beach and the tears were tears of sadness mixed with joy. Fear mixed with anticipation. It was a new beginning and a wonderful departure.

Dave left us that night. You may have known him and loved him. But I think you'll love him even more as you realize the great sacrifice he made for me. He was willing to fake being a man so that one day I could be a girl. He was willing to get married and do things that he had no idea at how to do as a man. Yet he tried and did so for me. He loved me that much that he was willing to be miserable to protect me. He was sad almost everyday just for me. I will never forget him.

But Dave is no longer with us. We all have to let him go. Say goodbye. He would want you to love Jenny. His passion and reason for living. He would want you to dance with her and sing with her. He would want you to love her and embrace her. He will never be back.

I live my life now with wonderful memories of the past. I now however have to be faithful to Dave and all he did for me. He gave his life so that I could be a woman forever. I have to keep my word to him and never ever go back.

Goodbye my friend - I love you and I thank you for allowing me to be me -Jenny Taylor

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thinking and Wondering... a Transgender Wish

Thinking and Wondering... a Transgender Wish

One of my favorite songs called "Over The Rainbow" says this:

"Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me...Where troubles melt like lemondrops away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me".

As I meditate upon my life and how much of it has already past me by as the wrong gender, I sing this little song. Hoping that one day my troubles will all melt away and be far from me. Not that I am one to think my life is in trouble or that I am not happy. I am content and well overall. Yet, there are a couple things that I wonder about.

I know I am in a transition -Male to Female. My journey is in full swing and full time. Day by day I am becoming more feminine and much more pretty. Maybe not like CISgender women, but pretty comparative to what I used to be.

I think about a future day when I am about as beautiful as I will ever be, everyone arrives there at some point. Who will want a mixed up person such as myself? I know I am all woman. But will I be seen by a potential suiter as a hybrid - a pseudo blend of not one or the other sex. What person will want such a one as me? I do think about it.

Maybe my chances at love and being loved are all gone. It could be that I won't have another to hold and to hold me. Have I exhausted my opportunities? Sometimes I say yes. Other times, I declare certainly not! Time will tell.

So I wait and allow my pretty-self to form and to ready itself for a happy future. I sing my little song.

"If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow - why oh why can't I?"

Hopeful -Much Love
Jenny Taylor

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Full Time Transition into Womanhood: Is it Worth it?

To go through all of the humiliation of watching your face and hair and body morph into a correct gender can be agonizing to say the very least. To endure the looks and the cruel words is damaging and painful. But someone asked me if transitioning to the correct gender was worth it all?

You better believe it is!!!!!!

I am finally becoming - transitioning into reality and what I have been trying to convince everyone of for my entire life. My body is proving what people refused to see and acknowledge about me. My body is displaying an accurate picture of who I have always been. I am finally conforming to a proper body image and expression.

It was well worth the pain and the humiliation of looking like a guy in a dress. It was worth looking like a fool as my hair would not grow fast enough to look feminine. It was worth giving away all of my man clothes and having to buy a whole new wardrobe with hardly any money. It was worth skipping meals and food just to get those clothes and my meds for HRT. It was worth it to lose friends and to lose family over my reality and being the real me.

I have no regrets and I would never go back or change a thing. Every trans person who has ventured and dared to be real and the right gender would tell you the same thing as I have said.

I am Jenny - a woman and becoming more so on the outside each and every day! Come what may. I will live as the true me - a woman. I refuse to be anything else. I will push forward no matter what. I will be on the outside what I know is so true on the inside.

I am a butterfly and I am beautiful. I am who I have always known I was, but it is only now that the mirror is finally justifying my existence with a proper display.

I have made up my mind to live and be Jenny. No one will stop me, not even me.

Jenny Taylor

"You Look So Pretty"  Transgender Dreams Come True

A friend told me this the other day. Such simple words yet they meant the world to me. She looked at me and the sweetness of her voice was like music. A song I have always longed to hear from someone - anyone and never heard it.

How can four words change your life so? How can they make you feel like you have attained a lifelong dream? I have heard so many others get those four words said of them and I stood there longing and was left unfulfilled.

But now this person actually said it to me - about me. Me? Four little words a caring soul said to me. "You are so pretty". The way she said it - her heart. I will never forget that feeling as my ears made love to my heart. My soul dancing in ecstasy as I finally believed it was true.

My life will never be the same just because of a friend and four little words.

Jenny Taylor

You cannot outrun you...Be Yourself

Try your best, you cannot avoid the real and genuine you inside. You go to bed with you, live with you and go to bed with you. Your true self never goes away and it is always there.

So why not allow who you really are to shine? Your reality is unavoidable and if you fail to succumb, you die the slow-death. Why die when you can really live?

Be you and stop your running. You cannot outrun your destiny. The faster you go, the quicker your future will arrive. You can do this. Come out and be you - the real you.

Much Love - Jenny Taylor

Past Wife, Girlfriend and Others...I was really a Woman the Entire Time you Knew Me

Watch this must see and genuine video blog an a transgender woman who has no regrets but is sharing a heartfelt confession.

Jenny Taylor -Transgender and Genuine

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Watch my Video Blog on Youtube

All kinds of great videos about transitioning and the transgender life I lead.

Monday, May 13, 2013

So you have Hit a Rut - a Plateau of Sorts in your Transition as a Trans Person

Wow, Jenny I see all the changes you are going through and others and I look at my journey and all of a sudden, my transition is at a stand still. Yes, that day is on the road for every transgender person on HRT. 

Hormones are little message carriers that travel to cells that listen for that message to grow. Tissues for the breast, hips, skin, hair and other body areas respond to a massive surge when you first begin taking hormones. But then a time comes they tell me when things are slowed way down. A plateau where you level off. Every girl knows what I mean several years after puberty. You get your breasts pretty well developed and your hips are shaped the way they mostly will be etc.

You want an initial growth spurt. Remember you and I are or have gone through a kind of self-induced puberty. But puberty isn't all massive growth it tapers off so the body can build upon what puberty started. This is what you may be seeing as a rut or a blah-stage. Like all the excitement is gone.

Puberty is fun but good cell growth is slow and body shaping and maturation take time and need to be done in a slower process. Don't look at this time like you have all of a sudden lost your momentum. See it as a time where cells in rapid growth have given you a foundation now to really start the adult phase of your transition.

I was telling a very dear friend of mine this about her life. Look its depressing to see stuff slow down, but puberty has to end and real growth needs to start. Now is the time to refine what you began. Make better what you did initially.

Work on your wardrobe or your makeup, your voice or your mannerisms. Take your mind off of the genetic and the biological and let your body handle that part. It knows what to do. Focus on other things that make for maturity. Move from a girl to a woman. Improve on what hormones and you have begun. Now is that time.

Look, I'm no doctor, but I try and study and look ahead and plan logically. You have to if you're transgender. You must be prepared at all times. Everyone has to grow up. Get excited again by focusing away from the hormones and the breast growth stuff. Concentrate on other things and get your mind off what slows you down.

I love you and I hope that is a help to someone.

Jenny Taylor

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Mirror - A place to Hate and a Place Where Dreams are Made of for a Transgender Female

Mirror - You used to be my mortal enemy.

How is it that now I look into you as a magic portal? A place where dreams finally do come true.

Irony at its best.

Mirror you used to Lie to me. Tell me I am a man when I was not! You spoke to me with delusions and confusions. I hated you!

Today, I am looking past the glass and the reflection. I see into my own heart - my soul. I see the woman I have always been rising to the surface. Like a rainbow of wonderful bubbling to the exterior. The place where all the world see's that I am not a fool. The place where I am finally justified in my conclusions of my gender.

I am a woman. I knew I was a woman. Now, I see that I am a woman. My life will never be the same. Ecstasy personified in reality. Beauty manifested in truth and vision.

Jenny Taylor

Transgender Fear and Bliss

Have you ever been so happy to be alive that you fear that it is all a dream? A vision you have had our entire life and then one day you will wake up. Like a cruel trick played on a poor soul who used to be so miserable. How can something so precious and so wonderful end?

I hold back the tears as I see beauty unfold before my very eyes. Sometimes I feel like a fragile flower that could be crushed by a strong wind. My petals blown away and never to be seen by me again.

There are no words to describe my joy and my happiness. Please God I beg of you to never let this cease in me. I have spoken to you so many times - weeping, wailing and heart broke. You heard your little girl and today you have blessed me. You have given me a treasure that is beyond my thankfulness. I have no words to appreciate what you have done so I do so with my radiant smile. I love You for what you've done for me.

I sit here and I am amazed. Transformation that can only be divine and scientific. Genetic and Spiritual all at the same time. If this is a dream may I sleep forever in this bliss that is mine.

Much Love - Jenny Taylor

Jenny Taylor

The Good News Keeps Coming...Transition Nirvana

I was just at Walmart in the cutest little outfit that was pink and blue. I had my hair up and under a hairband and hoop earrings. Matching plumb Coach bag and Sandals. I was rocking it girl.

Not one person turned a head in "freak out mode" nor did anyone laugh at me. Usually I used to get a snicker or two. Not anymore! 

I was in the intimate section getting a bra and I took my time. No "Fly-by's" like before. I was so at ease! Finally normal. People nicely said "excuse me Mam" if they were in my way. Men glanced at me too in my shorts. OMG what a feeling.

The Cashier said "Mam are you in line?". I proudly and sweetly said "yes". I think every trans woman gets to the place where she is "passing". I hate that term because I am never going to pass only. I AM a woman. I am female. No passing required thank you.

Ok, here comes the great part. I was in line and ready to leave when an older gentleman was behind me and obviously interested if you know what I mean. At first, I wanted to roll my eyes and say "oh no, not another one" (Ladies you know what I mean), but then I said "oh be nice to the man, he's sweet. The guy said "Wow dear, you really have a lot of things. Is that cart heavy for you?" OMG what a line. Anyway, I said in reply "Yes it is". I batted my eyes (hee hee).

I was having too much fun! The man then said "Well it looks like you have it all covered". Now whatever that meant, who cares. I paid for my things and just smiled as I wheeled my cart away. Don't you know I felt so great about myself!!!

Here is what is even more amazing!!!! The man was a guy I used to sing with at a church group! LMAO - wow! He never recognized me and he was hitting on me too. Ya-hoo.

But wait - There's more! No, the wolf, I left behind me. Such a flirt I know. Get a guy excited and then wheel off! LOL, that how I roll guys. I chase after no man.

Ok, I was making my way to the door and all of a sudden I saw my neighbor Cindy. She is so pretty wow. She looked right at me and passed by! LOL, I whispered her name behind her. She popped her eyes wide open and said "OMG, you look great!". She gave me the biggest hugs and said "Me and Geri are great with what you are doing!". I hugged her again. She told me she could not recognize me and I was so pretty.

What a day! One Walmart trip and a lifetime of wonderful encouragement. Transgirls listen to me. Go ahead and plan your transition well. Follow your heart and just be you- a woman. If you are a girl, then that is what will come out. A dress will never make you a woman, your heart and soul is the only way. A skirt is only icing on the cake. Make the cake great - there is far more cake than there ever will be frosting. Get it?

Ladies you can do what I have done. One step at a time and making it real and genuine. People see fakes a mile off. See what I have done and let it inspire you.

Much Love and Encouragement Always - Jenny Taylor

Human Rights Campaign in South Florida

Walking my Roommate's Dog Just Affirmed me as a Woman...Being Transgender is Great

Ok, you will have to put up with a topic that is, well, a bit funny as it is unappealing - Bagging and throwing away dog mess. LOL yes that nasty function and what is part of normal dog ownership caused something fantastic to occur o the walk today.

I was walking Yogi, Jorge's dog. She did the usual and as a responsible neighbor, I picked up the "stuff". I made my way to a dumpster and threw the waste away. I began to walk away from that dumpster when I guess the landlord for that building yelled to me "Mam!". A smile came to my face and I replied in my usual lady-like way- "Yes?" She said that she would like it if I could use my own dumpster for that and not hers any longer. I said sure and then it hit me - She called me "Mam"!

I was so happy to see that I am really progressing quite well in my transition. I am a girl and I am not "passing" as some say. Heck I never just want to pass! I AM. I don't dress LIKE a woman, I am one.

So the point is this: Just be you. Be the real woman you are. I never have to try or act like, or copy. I am the authentic, the genuine and the real. So are you or you should be. Never settle for passing when you can be.

Much love - Jenny Taylor

HRC Stands Behind Transgender People...I am Proof

Here is a letter that I sent HRC National. I am on the Steering Committee here in South Florida and I just wanted to write a testimony about how HRC supports us as Trans people. All on my own and not one time asked by anyone at HRC to do this, I wrote, from my heart, the following:


My name is Jenny Taylor and I am a member of HRC and on the Steering Committee in South Florida. I am a full-time transgender woman and I am a professional writer, LGBT advocate with an emphasis on Transgender issues and diversity. I reach over 2900 people on Facebook each day and use FB and other social media venues to promote HRC and our mission. I also use those avenues to bridge the gap between gay and straight people and their transgender brothers and sisters. I have a blog with hundreds of engaged readership each month. I have dedicated my life to LGBT equality.

I just wanted to take a few paragraphs to address an issue and also affirm my first-hand knowledge, that HRC supports the Transgender community 100 percent. HRC did not pay me nor did they ask me to post this story. It is my own desire to demonstrate that HRC has been nothing more than fantastic to me on a national and local (South Florida Steering Committee) level.

We all know of an isolated event in the past where a few people did discriminated against a transgender group in an HRC rally. I know of many transgender people who have written me directly or commented publicly, as an HRC "official" about this past event. The concern is still very much out there among transgendered people about HRC. I have been asked why I am still part of HRC if that "discrimination" actually occurred? I don't know first-hand of all the details about that rally, but I do know first-hand about how HRC has stood behind me.

Discrimination or bad actions against one of our LGB or T family should never have happened period. That is a given, but sometimes, a few forget this fact and cause division. The misconduct of a few bad apples should never have occurred, but HRC cannot be held liable as a whole and it's stellar mission and work tarnished because of a few people who should have been more accepting within in their own LGBT family. HRC has made its official statement and now let me tell you my unofficial testimony as to how HRC has been so wonderfully supportive of me.

I was asked to attend an HRC meeting in South Florida one evening by a fellow coworker. I went to that meeting and Andy Mcneil and all of the Committee members were more than accepting to me as trans. As I was offered opportunities to serve the community, I took full advantage and did my part. As I proved myself to be faithful, I was given even more opportunities to serve. They all knew that I was transgender and were actively seeking someone to represent us on the committee. HRC South Florida and HRC National would be sure to not forget the "T" in LGBT. I have been embraced and treated as an equal on all counts. I have excelled and am now part of the Political/Diversity Subcommittee.

HRC was one of the few organizations that I have been part of, where I as a transgender female and full time, could serve without any hindrance whatsoever. I fully express my gender as a female and I have been able to be in full transition at all events, or meetings conducted by HRC. Not one time was I ever discriminated against by any HRC member for being a trans female. In fact , HRC National sent a representative for our annual Steering Committee meeting to Florida and that person too, embraced me with equality. Locally and nationally I have been embraced.

Let me finish by saying that HRC has afforded me such opportunity,as a transgender person, to be fully active and to make a difference. I have a personal goal to one day work at the national office as a transgender female. I believe in HRC that much and I am that confident being transgender. That said, let my testimony in itself be proof that I am fully assured that HRC stands behind any transgender person. They fully affirm transgender people everywhere. I would never be part of this organization if it gave me any reason to doubt that.

Thank you HRC for all you have done for me as a transgender woman. I look forward to what it is that I can now do for you and the others we serve in the LGBT community.

Best regards,
Jennifer Taylor
Political/Diversity Subcommittee Member HRC South Florida

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Comparison Shot

Jennifer Taylor - Formally Dave

You Know Me...

I am the girl next door. I am the one who has a glow on her face and a gleam in her eye. I am the one that puts a flower in her hair. I love gentle breezes and long walks with the one I love. You know me.

I am the lady who sings like a bird and smiles like the sun. I walk like a song and make music with every step I take. I am the woman you know. 

I am the woman you want your daughters to imitate. I am a blessing. I love to be pretty and I love to make you miss me. I am the girl who writes little notes to encourage you. I am the one you call when you're ill. I am a woman you know well.

I am the woman who laughs and listens to your stories. I am the one who hugs you when you're down. I am as beautiful as the bird of paradise and as powerful as a lioness. I am gentle as a breeze and as forceful as the wind. I am a girl you love.

I am Jenny. A Transgender woman who longs to be all these things and more to you and to those I love. My body parts do not make me these things. My heart is what makes it all a reality. I am the girl, the lady and the woman you know. I am a wonderful garden and becoming more beautiful with each and every day. But I am not the only one like this. There are thousands of us - women in transition. Works of art and the Master is still painting.

You know who we are or will if all you do is look around.

Much Love - Jenny Taylor

Friday, May 10, 2013

Interesting Point about the Bathroom...Deny Thousands of Transgender People to Save One or Two Non-Trans? 

A person on Facebook spurred an interesting thought in my writer's mind, about the concern over people abusing a law that allows any gender expression to use the bathroom of their choice. Laws that would benefit a transgender person greatly, are a concern to some, because some,  feel that anyone could abuse the privilege just to be inappropriate.

Example would be a pervert who "says he is a transgender" when he is not, just to be perverted and fulfil his desire to see women with their clothes off somehow.

Now could this happen? Yes. Would the statistics and probability of that kind of perverted person's actions become a huge number and actually happen? No. You may get one out of thousands to actually fake being trans just to gain access to a locker room or bathroom, but I doubt it. The probability would frankly be far too small to worry about.

You see the fear of something happening even once may be warranted. We might need to stop a law because of the danger of the possibility of it happening. We may need to stop a law to save the many. But in the case of a guy or woman faking being a gender to see naked people is not something to worry about.

We guess that one or two weirdos may go into a private place, like a dressing room, just to fulfill a fetish. Ok, it may happen, a pervert abusing a good law, but to stop a law that allows a transgender person or rather, thousands of them, to have a normal life and be perfectly appropriate is not warranted at all. Why deny thousands a right to stop a minute possibility of wrongdoing? The chances of abuse are so small that it just doesn't matter.

It's like us saying that no one can drive a car because there will be accidents and people will die. Ok, accidents happen, (much more than perverts abusing a transgender bathroom access law), yet we still drive and sell cars to people. People drive even though there is a risk. Risk is not a justifier for establishing a law or denying rights.

So to apply this to our transgender favorable laws, we must see that yes, there may be a weirdo or two who will no doubt abuse a transgender law to do evil. But why deny thousands that are trans a human right like using a bathroom because of the risk that someone will be a law breaker? I simply cannot in my mind mind see the numbers being in favor of denying a basic human function based upon a chance that someone may abuse a law. It must be assumed that any law will be broken, but to assume that masses of people will violate a "bathroom law" in dangerous amounts is not justified - its paranoia.

Just my thoughts - Jenny Taylor