The Good News Keeps Coming...Transition Nirvana
I was just at Walmart in the cutest little outfit that was pink and blue. I had my hair up and under a hairband and hoop earrings. Matching plumb Coach bag and Sandals. I was rocking it girl.
Not one person turned a head in "freak out mode" nor did anyone laugh at me. Usually I used to get a snicker or two. Not anymore!
I was in the intimate section getting a bra and I took my time. No "Fly-by's" like before. I was so at ease! Finally normal. People nicely said "excuse me Mam" if they were in my way. Men glanced at me too in my shorts. OMG what a feeling.
The Cashier said "Mam are you in line?". I proudly and sweetly said "yes". I think every trans woman gets to the place where she is "passing". I hate that term because I am never going to pass only. I AM a woman. I am female. No passing required thank you.
Ok, here comes the great part. I was in line and ready to leave when an older gentleman was behind me and obviously interested if you know what I mean. At first, I wanted to roll my eyes and say "oh no, not another one" (Ladies you know what I mean), but then I said "oh be nice to the man, he's sweet. The guy said "Wow dear, you really have a lot of things. Is that cart heavy for you?" OMG what a line. Anyway, I said in reply "Yes it is". I batted my eyes (hee hee).
I was having too much fun! The man then said "Well it looks like you have it all covered". Now whatever that meant, who cares. I paid for my things and just smiled as I wheeled my cart away. Don't you know I felt so great about myself!!!
Here is what is even more amazing!!!! The man was a guy I used to sing with at a church group! LMAO - wow! He never recognized me and he was hitting on me too. Ya-hoo.
But wait - There's more! No, the wolf, I left behind me. Such a flirt I know. Get a guy excited and then wheel off! LOL, that how I roll guys. I chase after no man.
Ok, I was making my way to the door and all of a sudden I saw my neighbor Cindy. She is so pretty wow. She looked right at me and passed by! LOL, I whispered her name behind her. She popped her eyes wide open and said "OMG, you look great!". She gave me the biggest hugs and said "Me and Geri are great with what you are doing!". I hugged her again. She told me she could not recognize me and I was so pretty.
What a day! One Walmart trip and a lifetime of wonderful encouragement. Transgirls listen to me. Go ahead and plan your transition well. Follow your heart and just be you- a woman. If you are a girl, then that is what will come out. A dress will never make you a woman, your heart and soul is the only way. A skirt is only icing on the cake. Make the cake great - there is far more cake than there ever will be frosting. Get it?
Ladies you can do what I have done. One step at a time and making it real and genuine. People see fakes a mile off. See what I have done and let it inspire you.
Much Love and Encouragement Always - Jenny Taylor
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