Monday, May 13, 2013

So you have Hit a Rut - a Plateau of Sorts in your Transition as a Trans Person

Wow, Jenny I see all the changes you are going through and others and I look at my journey and all of a sudden, my transition is at a stand still. Yes, that day is on the road for every transgender person on HRT. 

Hormones are little message carriers that travel to cells that listen for that message to grow. Tissues for the breast, hips, skin, hair and other body areas respond to a massive surge when you first begin taking hormones. But then a time comes they tell me when things are slowed way down. A plateau where you level off. Every girl knows what I mean several years after puberty. You get your breasts pretty well developed and your hips are shaped the way they mostly will be etc.

You want an initial growth spurt. Remember you and I are or have gone through a kind of self-induced puberty. But puberty isn't all massive growth it tapers off so the body can build upon what puberty started. This is what you may be seeing as a rut or a blah-stage. Like all the excitement is gone.

Puberty is fun but good cell growth is slow and body shaping and maturation take time and need to be done in a slower process. Don't look at this time like you have all of a sudden lost your momentum. See it as a time where cells in rapid growth have given you a foundation now to really start the adult phase of your transition.

I was telling a very dear friend of mine this about her life. Look its depressing to see stuff slow down, but puberty has to end and real growth needs to start. Now is the time to refine what you began. Make better what you did initially.

Work on your wardrobe or your makeup, your voice or your mannerisms. Take your mind off of the genetic and the biological and let your body handle that part. It knows what to do. Focus on other things that make for maturity. Move from a girl to a woman. Improve on what hormones and you have begun. Now is that time.

Look, I'm no doctor, but I try and study and look ahead and plan logically. You have to if you're transgender. You must be prepared at all times. Everyone has to grow up. Get excited again by focusing away from the hormones and the breast growth stuff. Concentrate on other things and get your mind off what slows you down.

I love you and I hope that is a help to someone.

Jenny Taylor

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