Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Transgender and I want a Baby - A Built-In Desire

As a woman, the one thing that bothers me most to be honest is the fact that I cannot be pregnant. I'm too old now anyway. But there is a huge longing, and has always been since I was a little girl, that I wanted to feel that life developing within me. 

I wanted to be like Eve in-part, as a mother of the living. It is so deep and part of, this feeling, that I cannot explain it. I would weep and still do when I see a pregnant Mom. I so long for this - its a natural thing for a woman to want children and to nurse and to care for a little one that enters the world from your body.

To have the expression of love growing inside of me is a feeling sadly that I will never know. I do still long for this. It is not a fascination, it's innate within me from God.

I have 4 children, not from my womb, but still my Babies. I love them as a Mom and I love that feeling. I have always loved them that way. I am thankful that I do have that pleasure and motherly longing fulfilled.

Much love - Jenny Taylor

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