Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chill out...You have to when you're Transgender

If its one thing I've learned in being transgender it is this:
Don't be so uptight. Learn to laugh and be comfortable with your transition.

I think you will get what you put out there. If you are uptight and on edge, then people around you will be that way. You put out a vibe and people sense it. Learn to be at ease with transition. Chill out and laugh a little.

Let's face it, if you are a transgender person and you are making a move from one expression to another, you are going to have humorous moments. You just need to be at ease and laugh even. You're not always going to get it right. You may even do something crazy. If you can't take it in stride, then people around you won't.

You get back from others what you put out. If you're happy and at peace with whom you are becoming, then people are chill too. Haters will be haters, but it is much easier if people who accept you are comfortable. Try to be confident and plan ahead before you execute a move. Take your time and have a plan B is A fails.

I have learned to have fun with this. After all, it is supposed to be the most awesome time of my life. By the way, it still is!


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