Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Difficult People in Your Life...

One thing that I have learned is that you cannot give up on a person or people when they are difficult. You may have that family member or that coworker that is so tough to deal with. You may have a neighbor who is the devil incarnate, but somehow you have to try and be kind, caring and willing to love.

There is a saying: "Love covers a multitude of sins" and I believe in that saying. You love so much that you can overlook the difficult people who seems to have a goal of being against your grain. Your forgive the tough people and the loud people and the ones whom never seem to like you. You find a thread of compassion for an individual because you see more than a person being difficult. You look past that persons inabilities to be friendly and you see the human deep inside. Under all that roughness and that hard exterior shell they've erected, you see a person hiding. You begin to empathize.

Difficult people are part of life and they will not go away. So it is up to us to somehow see the human element and look past the outward junk. Listen, I hate it when people are plain mean or unwilling to work with me. But then I remind myself that maybe at times I can be difficult too. There may have been instances, just a few I hope, where I needed someone to be kind to me.

I think the world would be a better place if difficult people would change their ways and join the rest of the human race, but a lot of the time that will never happen. People seldom change. So in the mean time, it's up to us to try our best to work with them. To promise ourselves that we won't be like them. To make the world a better place with the life we've been given.

Much love -even to difficult people out there.

Jenny Taylor

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