Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Word Aptly Spoken...

Many sermons will be preached today. I find that to be a good thing. The content, I hope, could change frankly and if I were to be honest. I guess I can speak to this topic because I am a licensed Minister and have led congregations and preached well over 1000 times.

Let's get to some fundamentals of the faith. We believe in God, we know He has placed us on this earth together. We know that life was given to each participant and we must live that together as well. If all the goal was to live so that we die correctly, then why make life so long? Why make life a journey in the first place?

There is a reason for the journey and to the contrary of what will be preached in pulpits today, I have to say the journey in life is not so you'll be saved. The journey is for living now. Helping people now and caring for people now and experiencing all that God has placed us in everyday is now and not for later.

I always had asked myself a very basic question and sermons today will not dare ask this. People in the pews are asking it, but never a word is spoken of it.

Why do we have some hundred years or eighty or whatever, to live?

There is a reason for the time. No, it isn't so you'll come to Jesus. People come to Jesus at an early age. So, given the logic that the reason for time is to get saved, holds no water in that case. The kid should stop living because the purpose for time has been accomplished. But, the facts are that people still keep living! So the reason can't be to come to Jesus one day.

Look, I'm not slamming Christianity, but rather I am asking the question no one else will ask. Why do we have all this time in life to live? There has to be a reason.

I would love to hear a sermon where a preacher shares that life is a journey of some eighty years in duration. I would be thrilled to hear someone preach that in this journey we are to make the most of it. That God had blessed us with days and years and that we are to act out love in a tangible way. That we are to hug more, kiss more and to help the hungry more. I would yell with joy if a sermon were to empower people to do acts of kindness and that people would be motivated to accept diversity.

Isn't it time for us all who have so much time to live, to just live? To express and absorb our journey in such a way that we not only enjoy our lives, but also make others enjoy theirs. We have been placed here and given time to do something. Should it not be to make this place better? Should it not be to love beyond measure?

Maybe we have to live so long because it takes many of us so long to learn that a rose is worth smelling. Maybe we need the time to see that there are birds singing and sunsets that are beautiful. Maybe it's to discover that the birth of a child is glorious. I guess its to feel the warmth of another's embrace.

Whatever the purpose may be, I know that I am going to use the rest of my time wisely. I am going to preach so to speak a message of existence and what it means to really live. I will use my time to help you not waste your time.

Much love ♥ Jenny

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