Sunday, March 17, 2013

Locker Room Hell...We Can Change Things

Many have no idea at just how bad a locker room can be for a transgender person. The removal of clothing and the showering aspect alone will terrorize most Trans kids just at the thought. Gym, however remains a requirement for graduation and Trans kids are forced into a world of hell by being forced to either reveal that they are not like the other kids or to use gender assigned rooms that are not their gender at all.

I can recall the years back in 5th grade at Branford Intermediate School where we had swimming as one of the required gym activities. I was around 11 I guess and I was not like the other boys at all! I was actually growing breasts and they were not just the typical buds that 40% of all boys get. My buds went further and grew to what were very noticeable under my shirts and certainly if I was bare chested. My body for some reason was going through puberty as a girl and that presented some issues in gym class.

As I was there in the locker room, and having to change for my mandatory swim class, I recall being so alarmed at the prospect of someone seeing very clearly, my female body development. I was to the point of panic and no one listened to my fears. Also, how could I tell people I was growing breasts like a girl! So I just did what any kid had to do. I took my shirt off! The boys tore me apart when they noticed my huge nipples and bulging breast tissue. I was made fun of and everyone came to the locker bay where I was to stare at the circus side show - Me. I remember wanting to die from that day on from all of the embarrassment.

Mysterious illnesses would come on gym day so I wouldn't have to change in front of the boys. I would not feel well or I'd be too sick to swim. I did this intentionally to avoid disrobing and it worked on occasion. The boys already knew however and it was too late for tricks and hiding! For years, even the girls would humiliate me about being like them. They would say "Taylor's a Girl" or "Taylor's a Fag". I so wanted to die because nobody stood up for me. School and the locker room were truly hell on earth.

This is why my parents took me to get Testosterone treatments. They meant well, they did. I guess it seemed right to try and stop my boobs from growing any bigger. But, the testosterone was not good. The affects were awful and I was a girl. Testosterone was the last thing I needed. My breasts stopped growing because of the male hormones forced into my veins, but the damage was done to my reputation already. If only someone would have listened to me as a kid when I knew I was a girl. Maybe they would have rescued me?

Today, we need to insure that laws are changed to stop this kind of thing from occurring again. It still happens every week in schools all over the country. Let's all join and make a difference. You need not have a transgender child to vote.



  1. i had the usual problems at school,showers after gymm or sports,my solution was mitching off school,or playing hookey,whatever you call it

  2. why in this day and age cant schools understand the problems that transgender children face.
